Message from The LaundryMutt Family
Please be aware that when you are "quoted" a is just that..A QUOTE!!! If you bring in a long haired dog with LOADS of mats and tangles..IT WILL BE MORE EXPENSIVE than a 3/4 inch pup that comes EVERY 4 WEEKS!!! If you have an old dog that requires two groomers, then the price goes up. If you have a dog that requires Special Handling because he or she is a biter, then the price goes up. Come on people...WORK WITH US!!! If you’re new and want to know what we charge, swing by one of the shops and we will still give you a QUOTE, but at least it would be better than over the phone with sight unseen. WE WILL NOT GIVE QUOTES OVER THE PHONE AT ANY OF OUR LOCATIONS!!!! Thank you in advance. The LaundryMutt Family